

Yoga for Yokonori

Why is yoga good for yokonori sports? If you’ve never heard of yokonori, it's a Japanese term used to categorize "sideways riding" sports like snowboarding, surfing and skateboarding. These are all active sports, which require a certain amount of mobility to enjoy at any age.

Work from Home Yoga

Most of us are home more during this pandemic and if you’re fortunate, working from home. While working from home has its advanta...

Free Your Blades

When training for any sport, you need to get your entire body in shape; however winter sports workouts focus primarily on the low...

Spring Forward

Health and beauty have been topics of conversation since people were wandering through the proverbial Garden of Eden. Women’s...

Balance Like a Tree

Winter is fast approaching.  Skiing, snowboarding, ice skating and icy roads are coming soon. That means it is time to work on ou...

A Pilates Journey

Watching a performance by a world-class athlete, is your reaction, “Oh, I’d love to be able to do that,” or perhaps a “Yeah, mayb...

Breathe Awareness

In everyday life we are generally unaware of our breathing. Try making an effort to practice “breathe awareness.” Feel your b...

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