Trail Running
Mountain and LandTrail Running
Japan is a running country and the counries foothills and mountains are perfect for trail running. It’s no surprise the sport has really taken off with trail running and lite adventure events selling out as people head for the hills to go trail running. Intrepid trail runners can explore lush coastal areas, forested hills and exposed high alpine areas with limitless trails to explore. With a convenient rail system all you need is a train ticket, a pair of shoes and some water and you can be running through nature in no time.
Trail Running
Trail Running Course Guide: Higashi, Tanzawa, Om...
Trail runners yearn for breathtaking, sigh-inducing views. The Tanzawa trail running course is a famous hiking course located in ...
Trail Running
Answering the Call of the Trail
Ten years ago, trail running was virtually unknown in Japan but, in the last few years, it has become one of the country’s hottes...
Pera Pera Corner
Happy Trails!
TRAIL RUNNING IN JAPAN If you head up to the mountains in Japan, most of the people you’re likely to see are groups of hikers ...
Nature Trails
The Roof of the Gods
The morning light is dazzling as it reflects off the vermillion offertory box. The interior remains dark as if to emphasize the s...
Trail Running
History of the Hash
Hash House Harrier roots extend back to the old English schoolboy game of "Hares and Hounds," in which players, called "hound...
‘Old School’ Trail Running
Long before spandex-clad hard bodies began blazing mountain trails, the Hash House Harriers were chasing each other through hill ...
Ultra Nippon – A Week in Japan With The Ul...
He has an inhuman ability to conquer the extreme. He can run for days without stopping or sleep. Is it Superman? Perhaps Ultraman...
Trail Running
The Unsuspecting Trail Blazer
An interview with one of Japan's top female trail runners: Chigaya Mase “I baked these Danishes today. Please, try one,” ...