Eco Tourism
TravelEco Tourism
Guide Lines
Guide Lines: Rethinking Responsible Tourism in J...
It's been more than 30 years since the trendy terms "ecotourism" and "sustainable tourism" began spreading across the world. Rece...
Ethical Living with Rick Grehan
In 2012, social activist, Rick Grehan started imageMILL in Tokyo—Japan’s first creative agency focused on sustainable and ethical...
Eco Tourism
Japan Eco Track: Cycling Mountains to Rivers in ...
The mountains of Shikoku Island are a place of spirituality and vast wilderness. The Ishizuchi Mountains extend about 60 kilomete...
Eco Tourism
Reducing Plastic Waste with MyMizu
Buy anything from a convenience store in Japan and chances are it is wrapped, if not double wrapped, in plastic. It's ironic that...
Eco Tourism
Japan Eco Track: Cycling Noto Peninsula
Green-carpeted staircases leading to the ocean, rustic wooden houses lined up along the bay and glassy lagoons where dolphins awa...
Eco Tourism
Gravity-Defying Farming in Nishi Awa
Discover the centuries-old secret behind what keeps southern Japan's mountains growing
Eco Tourism
Japan Eco Track: Hiking and Cycling the Miyagi-K...
In 2011 the largest earthquake in Japan’s recorded history—known as the Great East Japan Earthquake—destroyed much of the coastal...
Air it Out
There is no better time to head out to Japan’s great outdoors than autumn. Mountainsides turn from green to gold and red, and the...