Night Dancing with a Kyushu Sun Goddess
According to myth, Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess, and her brother, Tsukiyomi, the Moon God, once soared across the sky together. Aft...
Cultural Travel
Field of Dreams: Inakadate Tanbo Art
“If you build it they will come…” This famous quote from the movie “Field of Dreams” could just as easily be attributed to the lo...
Scuba Diving
Exploring Lush Kosrae
Most people haven’t heard of this little Pacific island, but those who visit never forget hiking to hidden waterfalls, searching ...
A Blue Shade of Pink
“Mine has been a life of much shame” -Dazai Osamu, 1948 (From his book No Longer Human, or Ningen Shikkaku) Hardly ...
Deep Turns in Tohoku
Paul Vanderheiden was drawn to the Hakkodas in search of the deep powder they are known for. He formed a deep connection with the mountains and the people in this far corner of Tohoku, never imagining life would take such a dramatic turn.
Adventure Travel
The Human-Powered World Traveler
Three marriage proposals, 40 punctured tires (and 10 new ones), close encounters with poisonous snakes and brown bears, four grue...
The Naked Stranger
Episode 9: A Winter Ode to L’eau Chaude
Hot water is good. I love it. But not like that comfortable, homey love affair I have with my slippers. And not like that sne...
Scuba Diving
Palau’s New North
Divers continue to flock to Palau’s popular dive spots to the south, yet the northern interior and outer reefs of Palau’s largest...