Backcountry Snowboarding
Snow and IceBackcountry Snowboarding
Backcountry Skiing
Riding an Icon: Mt. Fuji
Mt. Fuji could easily be anointed the tourism ambassador for Japan. Look at any postcard or travel poster featuring the mountain ...
Splitboarding Kagura Backcountry
It’s a bluebird day with a dusting of fresh snow. Over at neighboring Naeba, spring conditions are already evident but, here at K...
Getting in Gear: Winter Tips from the Experts
This is the year you’re going to do it—get the good things you need to go into the backcountry the right way. The choices can be ...
The Snow Chasers
After spending four years riding more mountains in North America than most skiers get in a lifetime, I was ready for a new advent...
Remembering Jake Burton
This article was originally published in Spring 2010. Outdoor Japan contributor Neil Hartmann sits down with Jake Burton in Ni...
Earn Your Turns
My name is Dave Enright and I am a self-admitted “Granola Cruncher.” Solitude, purity, spirituality are words often associ...
Beeline for the Best Lines
My name is Neil Hartmann and I am a self-admitted “Heli Addict.” My name is Neil Hartmann and I am a self-admitted “Heli ...
Lodge Scole
It snowed heavily all night. The last beer and sake were tossed back around 10 p.m. and everyone called it an “early one” in anti...