The Air Up There: Heliskiing in Honshu

Heli-skiing operations are few and far between in Japan, and they certainly don’t come cheap. However, nothing can replace the euphoric feeling of flying over snow-covered trees straight to the mountaintop—and then getting fresh tracks all the way down! Here’s the short-list of operators in Honshu.

Kusatsu Snow & Spa Resort(草津国際スキー場)
Place: Keats, Gunma / 群馬県草津
Fee: ¥5,500〜¥7,000(Guided/ガイド付)
Trail Length:NA Level Required:Beginner to intermediate/初中級者向け
Date: Late January to early March(1月下旬〜3月上旬)
Capacity:5 people(minimum 3)
Contact:Japan Air Craft Service(ジャパンエアクラフトサービス)
Tel: (0279) 88-4991 Web: & Japanese)

Aizu Kohgen Takatsue Skiing Ground(会津高原たかつえスキー場)
Place: Aizu, Fukushima / 福島県会津
Fee: ¥4,500(Lift-ticket purchase required; Guided/リフト券持参者 ガイド付)
Level Required:Beginner to intermediate /初中級者向け
Date: Late December to mid January(12月下旬〜1月中旬)
Contact:Tel. (0241) 78-2241 Web:

Sugadaira Kogen Skiing Ground(菅平高原スキー場)
Place: Sugadaira, Nagano / 長野県
Fee: Ask(Guided/ガイド付)
Level Required:Beginner to intermediate/初中級者向け
Date: Late December to March 31st(12月下旬〜3月31日)
Capacity:0 people(minimum 0)
Contact:Sugadaira Tourism Board(菅平高原観光協会)
Tel: (0268) 74-2003 Web:

Tsugaike Kogen Skiing Ground(栂池高原スキー場)
Place: Hakuba, Nagano / 長野県白馬
Fee: ¥9,500(※リフト券料金は含まず Unguided/ガイドなし)
Trail Length:10 – 14km  Level Required:Beginner to intermediate/初中級者向け
Date: Mid March to early April, late April to early May(3月中旬〜4月上旬、4月下旬〜5月上旬)
Capacity:400 people
Contact:Tsugaike Kogen Tourism Board(栂池高原観光協会)
Tel: (0261) 83-2515 Web:
Accommodation: Petit Hotel Shanze, Tel: (0261)83-2421

Kagura Skiing Ground(かぐらスキー場)
Place: Yuzawa, Niigata / 新潟県湯沢
Fee: Ask(Guided/ガイド付)
Level Required:Beginner to intermediate/初中級者向け
Date: Apr. 8-9(4月8日・9日)
Contact:Kagura Mitsumata Tourism Board(かぐら・みつまた観光協会)
Tel: (025) 788-9006 Web:
Accommodation: White Horse Inn Kagura, Tel: (0257)88-9121

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