Pauline Kitamura
Pera Pera Corner
Go Ride a Bike!
A great way to experience a city is to hop on a jitensha (bicycle). In Japan, however, bikes are predominantly used for trans...
Pera Pera Corner
Grab Your Paddle! Let’s Go Sea Kayaking
When you think of sea kayaking, Japan may not be the first place that jumps to mind, but with literally thousands of kilometers o...
Pera Pera Corner
Happy Trails!
TRAIL RUNNING IN JAPAN If you head up to the mountains in Japan, most of the people you’re likely to see are groups of hikers ...
Pera Pera Corner
How to Spend a Happy New Year
Before coming to Japan, New Year’s Eve had a different meaning for me. It was a time for dancing and partying all night with frie...
Pera Pera Corner
Soaking it Up
Japan is located along what is known as the Pacific Rim of Fire, an area that stretches from New Zealand up towards Russia, d...
Ultra Nippon – A Week in Japan With The Ul...
He has an inhuman ability to conquer the extreme. He can run for days without stopping or sleep. Is it Superman? Perhaps Ultraman...
Pera Pera Corner
Backcountry Camping in Japan – Part 2: Mou...
In Japan, July and August are the peak months for haikingu (ハイキング; hiking) and jusou (縦走; backpacking/trekking across the mountain...
Mountain Biking
Kyushu MTB
Riverbeds, tabletop mountains, volcano rim touring—I had heard the rumors about the incredible mountain biking down in Kyushu. Th...
Trail Running
The Unsuspecting Trail Blazer
An interview with one of Japan's top female trail runners: Chigaya Mase “I baked these Danishes today. Please, try one,” ...
Pera Pera Corner
Pera Pera Corner: English? German?
Hiking, backpacking, trekking, mountaineering, alpine climbing…there are many ways to climb a mountain and just as many ways to de...
Pera Pera Corner
Haikingu Ni Ikimashou!
Grab your backpack and throw on your hiking shoes! Haikingu ni ikimashou! (ハイキングに行きましょう! Let’s go hiking!) Yes, it’ll be a leg-te...
Pera Pera Corner
Welcome to Pauline’s Pera Pera Corner – Lesson #2. Last month, I armed you with a verbal first aid kit to take with you while hik...