Meguro Tavern Brewing

I have known about the Meguro Tavern for years, considering it one of Tokyo’s better and more authentic English pubs, particularly for its periodic “carvery” offerings designed to keep meat enthusiasts happy.

What I didn’t know is that the genial owner, Garth Roberts, began brewing his own beer in a small off-site brewery in an outlying neighborhood after receiving a license some three years ago.

Meguro Tavern regulars can enjoy four types of beer brewed especially for them by Roberts himself. These are easy-going beers in the true British style, without the huge levels of bittering hops and alcohol common to their U.S. microbrewery counterparts.

From your first sip to the last, it is smooth drinking with your choice of a light Golden Pale Ale, a heartier Cascade Pale Ale, a darker and spicier Exmoor Red Ale or the strongest of the bunch, the Columbus IPA. Note that all of the brews they make run between 5 and 6% alcohol, which will assure an evening of smooth enjoyment. Apparently, these are the beers British drinkers crave, but generally they are too young or “fresh” to survive the trip to Japan.

For this reason, the stronger, hoppier India Pale Ale style was originally created to travel well. No newcomer to brewing, Roberts spent a lot of his youth cleaning hoses, barrels and other brewing gear at his cousin’s brewery which has long gone out of business. I suppose picking up some brewing gear later in life didn’t prove to be difficult, as all four of his current offerings are smooth, low-key and satisfying. Visit the Tavern website for a more detailed story of how Roberts started his brewery.

Of course, a full range of other beers is available from the menu, as are all manner of drinks. What’s more, food at the Meguro Tavern is best described as “a cut above” your average pub grub with steak offerings particularly noteworthy.

The Meguro Tavern website offers more than just a description of the menu and premises, with sections available for customers to place ads. Overall, it has a strong community feel, much like the tavern itself.

The Meguro Tavern
2F, Sunwood Meguro, 1-3-28 Shimo Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Phone: (03) 3779-0280

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