Searching for Korean Beauties is a No Brain-er
As always, we visit with musicians and ask them what places do they recommend traveling to in their home country. This month, enj...
Trail Recipes
Power Pancakes from Leftover Trail Mix
Outdoor Japan Magazine: Issue 4: Column - Power Pancakes from Leftover Trail Mix The guide to travel, the outdoors and active lifestyles in Japan. Enjoy activity guides, travel guides, hot spring guides, live weather forecasts, outdoor operators, places to stay, skiing and snowboarding, festivals and events and much more. Outdoor Japan Magazine. Japan's only bilingual magazine about travel, outdoors and lifestyle. Be part of the outdoor community in Japan.
Craft Beer
Harvest Moon
If you have young children in Japan, it is practically inevitable that a trip to Tokyo Disneyland will be considered an outdoor ac...
Eco Corner
Eco Corner: Choices for Sustainable Lifestyles
Organic Body CareOrganic and Natural Enterprise Have you ever wondered what the heck are cetearyl glucosid...
Getting Set Up Before Setting Out
Having your snowboard bindings set up correctly before hitting the slopes can make the difference between a good and great day of...
100 Famous Japanese Mountains: #21 Tsukuba-san
As I approached Mt. Tsukuba from a distance, I could see the two peaks that symbolize this mountain. The peak to the east, Nyotai...
Iron Bridges: Monuments Stamped With Lost Memori...
At 1:24 on the afternoon of Dec. 28, 1986, a strong wind blew across the rails of the iron bridge, causing the Miyabi passenger t...
Travelers Tune
What’s The Latest Craze in Bournemouth?
This column is dedicated to asking musicians the non-musically inclined question, “What are your favorite places to travel to in ...