Issue 24

The X Factor

With warm, wet weather on the horizon, I am reminded of the classic outdoor optimist’s expression, "There is no bad weather, only...

Tossing Out the Nets

At the beach in front of my house in Oiso, Kanagawa Prefecture, a group of retirees run what is known as a jibiki ami tsuri (地引網釣...

100 Famous Japanese Mountains: #45 Fuji-san

“Bee-beep! Bee-beep!” It didn’t seem right the alarm was blaring in my ear at 2:30 in the morning, but that’s the standard wake-u...

Tsukiji Market

I live on an island in southern Japan with a population of about 30,000. The longer I stay, the greater the shock when I visit To...

Last of the True Explorers

“What’s left to explore?” The question was swimming around in my head as I cycled to my office. The highest mountains have been s...

A Pilates Journey

Watching a performance by a world-class athlete, is your reaction, “Oh, I’d love to be able to do that,” or perhaps a “Yeah, mayb...

Gear Guide

Cycling is a simple, effective way to feel good about traveling around our planet, getting to work and simply having fun outside....

Hoshi Boshi Lodge

Although resorts like Hakuba and Shiga Kogen get the most attention, Nagano is also home to many quaint “pension villages” attrac...

Lightning Strikes

To a deaf person, the entire world is limited to that which falls in their field of vision. We often notice what is happening off...

Great Cycling Tours in Tokyo

There’s no better way to explore a new city than by bicycle. Walking has its merits, but you can’t cover nearly the territory. Yet Tokyo can be a daunting city for even the most hardened traveler, and navigating the maze of streets on two wheels may seem like a quick way to get lost. Thankfully, the good people at the cheerfully named Tokyo Great Cycling Tour are here to help.

Go Ride a Bike!

A great way to experience a city is to hop on a jitensha (bicycle). In Japan, however, bikes are predominantly used for trans...

Breathe Awareness

In everyday life we are generally unaware of our breathing. Try making an effort to practice “breathe awareness.” Feel your b...