Issue 29

The Green School

The tropical jungle of Bali may seem like an unusual place to develop the next generation of eco-conscious leaders, but the creat...


“I really don’t like running fast. It’s way too exhausting!” –Hiroko Suzuki There are a lot of runners out there who can r...

The X Factor

Hot summer days are here, and it is time for moving your feet at your favorite outdoor summer festival. Whether you are making th...

Tempting Taters

A hot dish on the trail can warm the soul or, if you are not careful, burn the tongue. Most people assume you need a Dutch oven o...

Free Your Blades

When training for any sport, you need to get your entire body in shape; however winter sports workouts focus primarily on the low...

Signs in the Rain

The clear blue sky stretched as far as I could see, as I sat on the terrace of the Nishiho Lodge in Nagano sipping a cold beer. S...

Fishing for Surfers

If you live in the Shonan area of Kanagawa, chances are you or someone you know is big into surfing. My buddies tried to get me t...


Recently I repeatedly heard the word “congratulations.” Although I was not receiving those heartfelt greetings directly, I was to...