Issue 46
Winter 2013
Art and Film
Car Danchi 6: On Location in Kusharo
The Car Danchi filming style has always combined searching for new locations and the unwritten rule we must have fun wherever we ...
Cat Skiing
Niseko Cats
Niseko snowcats are found deep in the snowy mountains of the north island; they detest crowds, preferring to travel in small grou...
Scuba Diving
Getting ‘Wrecked’ in Micronesia
Truk Lagoon's undersea world is a Mecca for “wreckies.” Micronesia has more wrecks on land alone than most places have in ...
Backcountry Tours
Risk & Reward in the Backcountry
Training and preparation are paramount to playing safe in the backcountry, and recently guides and instructors are putting more e...
Backcountry Snowboarding
Lights, Powder, Action! Jeremy Jones Interview
Over the last decade, Jeremy Jones has been perhaps the biggest name in big mountain snowboarding. He has appeared in numerous ex...
Lights, Powder, Action! Neil Hartmann Interview
For those of us growing up in Portland, Oregon, Mt. Hood was our home mountain. On weekends we’d drive up Highway 26, through a t...