New Places to Stay in Hakuba
If you can tell how the economy is doing by the number of new businesses popping up, Hakuba must be doing OK. Here are three of p...
Backcountry Snowboarding
Riding the White Horse
The winter sports capital of Japan’s main island is undoubtedly Hakuba, where no less than 12 ski resorts can be found in close pr...
100 Famous Japanese Mountains: #70 Tateyama
Right as I began to empty the contents of the tent bag on the ground, snowflakes started to come down with a flurry. “No, no, no”...
100 Famous Japanese Mountains: #45 Kuro-dake and...
Although I have been known to be an ame-onna, a woman whose presence seems to bring rain, this time around the gods were taking c...
100 Famous Japanese Mountains: #89 Enna-san
The sound of traffic woke me up, and I quickly threw the sleeping bag to the floor and flipped open my mobile to check the time. ...
100 Famous Japanese Mountains: #68 Goryu-dake
The dust in the rusting tin storage shack I had stayed in near Goryu campsite had gotten the best of me, and I woke up sneezing a...
Catching up with Michael Baker
Owner, Powder House Lodge & Hakuba Real Estate Michael Baker arrived in Japan from his native Australia 12 years ago t...
Who Doesn’t Like a Hot Bath?
Ahhh, a leisurely soak in a hot spring with good friends, taking in the snow-covered scenery. Sound good? Then you’ll get along j...