My Tohoku Journey
My journey was not an easy one. Temperatures were unusually high (exceeding 36°C at times), I was constantly on the lookout for bears and was delayed by severe weather.
Cultural Travel
Yamabushido – Follow the Path of the Warri...
Explore the outdoors and culture at the foot of Mt. Fuji!
Cycling Japan
Tohoku Panorama Ride
The Zao and Azuma mountain ranges lie on the border of Miyagi, Yamagata and Fukushima prefectures. This Tohoku ride offer...
Lodge Scole
It snowed heavily all night. The last beer and sake were tossed back around 10 p.m. and everyone called it an “early one” in anti...
Shang Shang Typhoon
Shang Shang Typhoon's Emi Shirasaki encounters the "King of Tohoku" This issue features travel tips and hometown secrets from ...
100 Famous Japanese Mountains: #64 Asahi-dake
It was the fourth day I had been traveling with Hiroshi Sakurai, who I had met while hitchhiking to Mt. Iide a few days before. I...