Sailing and Boating
Pacific Solo
Preacher-turned-adventurer Lowell Sheppard is preparing for the adventure of his life: a solo journey across the Pacific, fro...
The Healing Forests of Shinano-machi
We’re waiting in a rolling, forested landscape, not far from the Douwakan (Kurohime Fairy Tale Museum). Just to our west is M...
A Fishing Foray to the New Kesennuma
Communities along the Sanriku Coast, such as Kesennuma in Miyagi Prefecture, took a direct hit from the March 11, 2011 tsunami. T...
Minami Izu Lobsters
The sleepy fishing port of Nakagi is liveliest right before dawn breaks, as local fishermen set out on their boats to see...
Market Watch
Japanese Winter Veggies
While the winter season often sees farmers putting away their tools and heading inside to start planning for the new year, in Jap...
JR Discount Passes for Foreign Passport Holders ...
When you are traveling through Japan this autumn and winter, don't miss out on this limited special for foreign passport holders ...
Backcountry Snowboarding
Wabi Sabi: A Hokkaido Backcountry Film
If you were in Niseko, Hokkaido this winter, you may have seen a quirky cabin on wheels touring around the neighborhood. This mic...
Japan Snow Guide
Japan Snow Guide Travel Notes
HOKKAIDO Globe-trotting riders will be pleased to know Niseko United will be joining the Ikon Pass connecting 38 iconic mounta...