The X Factor
The X Factor
The coldest months of the year are here with the best possible conditions for sliding and gliding your way down virgin slopes. Mo...
Splitboarding Kagura Backcountry
It’s a bluebird day with a dusting of fresh snow. Over at neighboring Naeba, spring conditions are already evident but, here at K...
The X Factor
The X Factor
Finally, the blue skies of early winter have arrived, bringing cooler temperatures, colorful leaves and no mosquitoes on the trai...
Getting in Gear: Winter Tips from the Experts
This is the year you’re going to do it—get the good things you need to go into the backcountry the right way. The choices can be ...
The X Factor
The X Factor
Late summer and early fall is my favorite time to travel the countryside in Japan. The trails are quiet and the weather still war...
Adventures of the Hokkaido Bush Pig
Packing It In
Packing your backpack for spring or summer hiking trips can be a matter of preference, but one thing is certain; packing it right...
The X Factor
The X Factor
Being outdoors in winter and being comfortable is a challenge when the mercury starts dropping. Whether you are picking icicles o...
The X Factor
The X Factor
Plans have been made and time set aside; the journey beckons. What to bring is always a topic of travelers. Too much or too littl...
The X Factor
The X Factor
Hot summer days are here, and it is time for moving your feet at your favorite outdoor summer festival. Whether you are making th...
The X Factor
The X Factor
Trail running is now a sport in its own right rather than just trail practice by marathon masochists. Mountains and forests have ...
Eco Corner
Eco Corner: Choices for Sustainable Lifestyles
Scarpa Hurricane BootスカルパハリケーンブーツStill debating about the impact skiing has on the environment? Scarpa has made it a bit easier t...
The X Factor
The X Factor 7
The Backcountry is an unforgiving place…Being prepared and knowing how to use your equipment properly is essential if you plan to...